اكفل يتيم

Humane & decent accommodation project

Housing the Poor - -
100000 $ 2194 $

When poverty, disease, and lack of all life necessities are all combined, life becomes tasteless and despair and frustration creep into the heart of one. This state is what we see every time we enter homes of needy families whose homes need renovation .

The project of the Renovation of Poor People Homes is an attempt to create a new reality for the poor families by providing them decent housing, getting them out of an extremely unhealthy environment to a more clean, satisfactory environment. This attempt happens to overlap with the first of 11 aims for the 2030 sustainable development, which is "guaranteeing everyone appropriate, safe, and affordable housing and basic services and improving the level of poor districts." In addition, it was mentioned in the international advertisement of Human Rights that Article 25 contends that "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care, and essential social services."

In Needed People, the renovation of poor families’ houses and providing better living conditions is among the top priorities of humanitarian work. About 41% of families in Needed People need a house renovation due to the poor house conditions. Nearly 23% of those families live in extreme poverty, and cannot make significant changes to improve their living conditions. 4500 houses need renovations by adding utilities and making minor improvements, while 500 other houses need complete replacement. 

Al-Khair Foundation aims through the “Humane and decent accommodation project” to renovate houses of poor People. It aims to end their suffering by providing decent housing and safe environment. On average, it costs around $7000 to renovate 1 house in Needed People

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Housing the Poor Lebanon

دعم إيجار منزل

7000 $ Remain -90805.97 $
7000 $ Remain -90805.97 $
7000 $ Remain -90805.97 $
Target 100000 U.S. Dollar
Beneficiaries Number 15
Implementation Period 1
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